Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Creeping Fruticose 1

This is some Cthulhu Dark solo play. I use Miso RPG when needed, quite rarely, and some notes / ideas for a lichen's creeping horror and the like (little clues that show up, NPCs). Most of the locations are from going to a giant University at some point. The first PC is:

Terra Knafferly, biologist and academic
Insight 1


Terra rubbed her eyes and ran fingers through her greying hair. She'd just finished grading for tomorrow's morning class. She swept the post-its on her desk into a drawer, and then cracked open one of the withered cardboard boxes from her uncle's storage unit. He hadn't left a note, and Terra doubted the box's contents would help her understand his suicide, but she wanted to look.

Investigate rolls: 4, 4 (Person and Occupation, in that order)

Bob Knafferly had squirreled away notes and photos of an trip to a remote section of Alaska in 1978, when he was a budding biology professor. He had found a lichen of previously unknown existence, which alternated between crustose and fruticose forms. Flakes of rust-like material, or leafless, branch-like structures in maggot-white. It was virulent and present throughout an isolated area but had not spread. It seemed to be centered around a tree stump which had eroded in a strange way.

It didn't make sense that Terra had never heard of this trip, or the lichen. It was a find worthy of a publication. And Bob had been prolific.

A photo slid out of the last folio and Terra saw the central stump, looking like it had been carved into a writhing art project. It was covered in a crust of lichen. Holding it, squatting beside Bob and smiling at the camera, was a woman with Terra's face.

Insight: rolled 3, so it gets raised to 2.

"That's not me. That's not me. No. No..."

She pushes off from the desk, then jerks back to cover the photo. She rubs her face and looks at the wall clock: 11:40pm. Pitch black out the window above her desk. She leaves the room, shutting the door, and goes to bed.

Her dreams are of branching strands of lichen pouring into lopsided wooden corridors, into which she wanders. Pursued by someone unseen.

Terra Knafferly, biologist and academic
Insight 2

(This is Terra's character sheet after this scene / part of the adventure.)

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